I gave my gift which was a lot of toys to a shelter for kids that don’t have any toys to play with. I felt great to give the kids the toys so they can play with it. They felt excited to play with them. The quote: “It is better to give than receive” just by explaining it is that it doesn’t matter what you receive, it matters what you give to the other person.
All posts by Cameron Strickland
When the WW2 began on September 1, 1939,the fate of Sweden was unclear. Sweden managed to maintain its official neutrality throughout the war. It also allowed the allies to use Swedish air bases between 1944 and 1945.
Sweden wasn’t persecuted they just had a war between the germans with their allies because Sweden was free and Sweden and their allies fought the WW2.Sweden was neutralized because war was taking place.
Sweden was a nice country they were peaceful and people from other countrys can come to Sweden to forget the WW2.
Storyboardboard – Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Sparkling Paragraph
I once saw a black and white striped cat that resembled a zebra. He appeared very angry as he pounced and meowed at me. As I began to walk away from the cat, he made loud hissing noises.
sparkling sentence
I saw a black and white cat,and it looked like a zebra cat.
All about me
HI my name is cameron and my favorite hobby is games, and sports. I like puppies,kitties,and fish. I always feel happy sometimes afraid,and sad.My personality is allways helpful,friendly,and caring.
1970 somthing by Mark Wills
Cool song