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Hello People Around the World and Speech of Hurting or Caring

Hello people I’m FireBlade or just Cameron if it confused you,but I just wanted to say thanks for keeping my goal set like 30 countries such as China,Japan,Israel and other countries like Sweden and Britain and i just want to say for all the scared people around the world or sad people that That’s just life as it is I mean I know it’s Stress or not I have that problem too but it’s like that like say if something happens to you like a broken bone I had  that problem and I have a brother that helped me once I was hurt for a Weird reason I’m being strait but I broke my left arm in April 2009 i guess it was close to that but I broke mine by a bounce house someone pushed me and I landed hands first and landed wrong but I have friends that had that problem before and I would like to say to them and around the WORLD that had that problem that it hurts real bad but what I was saying was people died protecting there friends or families people died or failed at protecting the ones they care about or just they died even if you helped them the world is dangerous cause of people who hate others and just Kill them because of it but as I was saying It’s stress or not stress like losing someone you love and care about I mean for me it’s stress I have to go to a doctor not because of stress but I have a problem with skin and I know other people have that problem and to the people around the world that is hurt here’s a quote for you and my Friends”You will never know the power of yourself until someone hurts you badly.”Well here is a Western song featuring Clint Eastwood. and if you have a bad day think of that quote and you will be fine but that’s it so FireBlade off.

Sweden Retake

When the WW2 began on September 1, 1939,the fate of Sweden was unclear. Sweden managed to maintain its official neutrality throughout the war. It also allowed the allies to use Swedish air bases between 1944 and 1945.
Sweden wasn’t persecuted,they were just attacked by the Germans and their allies because Sweden was free and peaceful during the WW2.Sweden was neutralized because war was taking place.
Sweden was a nice country they were peaceful and people from other countries can come to Sweden to forget the WW2.

week of Jan. 6th

My faverate store to go to is Hastings. It has book,movies,toys,games,music,records,and a record player. I like it because of the records,games,music,and books. Hastings is cool because you can find a lot of things in that store.

My faverate animal is a dog. I also like cats,fish,birds,and many others like gerble,hamsters and ginie pigs,BUT i like dogs most.I like them because there so cuddely and fun to play with, well i have to dogs named Dartainian and Meshone,and they are LOUD!!!Also i like them because there so funny.

Best Gift Given.

I gave my gift which was a lot of toys to a shelter for kids that don’t have any toys to play with. I felt great to give the kids the toys so they can play with it. They felt excited to play with them. The quote: “It is better to give than receive” just by explaining it is that it doesn’t matter what you receive, it matters what you give to the other person.


When the WW2 began on September 1, 1939,the fate of Sweden was unclear. Sweden managed to maintain its official neutrality throughout the war. It also allowed the allies to use Swedish air bases between 1944 and 1945.
Sweden wasn’t persecuted they just had a war between the germans with their allies because Sweden was free and Sweden and their allies fought the WW2.Sweden was neutralized because war was taking place.
Sweden was a nice country they were peaceful and people from other countrys can come to Sweden to forget the WW2.

Easter Poem

On Easter morning I see and little frog.                                                                                      It was as lazy as a old log.

It looked like he was talking fog.

That it was a scary clog.


The eggs were my favrate colors.

That i ran into my shutters.

Then i had to hunt the eggs.

That it looks like the eggs had legs and walked away.

My Spring Break

For my Spring Break I got to watch Oz the great and powerful.  Plus I got to play with my causin and he got to play with me and he and I got to play basketball for a wile well him,his brother,and my brother stopped playing basketball and all i did was do practice shots all by myself and they came in side of my house and started playing video games.  Then my family and I went to Tiger Creek and saw tigers,bobcats,panthers,and lions.